Bio-Park Learning Center
Given the proximity of the aquatic systems (the Danda Riverfront) near its college campus, PNMF is dedicated to developing a bio-park learning center as a part of the PNMHI/LCS’s academic environment.
This may prove to be a valuable laboratory to promote research, conservation, recreation, and awareness. In research, for example, there are few possibilities:
- Development of a long-term ecological monitoring program to promote citizen science,
- Use of the riverfront, forested area, and its wetland to develop plots for medicinal plant extraction related research,
- Development of the existing wetland into a bird sanctuary,
- Eco-geological mapping of the Danda River, and
- Establishment of a small museum to showcase the aquatic life and the urban-bio environment.
PNC and Lumbini Center for Sustainability (LCS) will jointly develop research, teaching, and community awareness programs with a focus on understanding the complexities associated with aquatic influences on quality of life, public health, farming, and social resilience. PNMF strives to develop and implement community level change through developing multi-sector partnerships with residents, businesses, different academic institutions and local governments to recognize, for example, the value of urban conservancy in the eco-park.