Chairperson's Message

Vijaya KC
With the help of our network of friends, well-wishers and scholars, PNMF is embarking on an ambitious path to establish itself as a visionary organization. Under PNMF’s umbrella we hope to advance three activities: education and training of students through our college; nurturing of research activities through various centers; and the community outreach, both locally and globally. We believe that by allowing an interaction across these three areas under a common platform, we will be able to create a nurturing environment that promotes creativity, cooperation, and complementary. Unlike many other organizations, PNMF is unique in its thinking.
Our academic program and students will get immediate benefit by being in a place that nurtures research and community outreach. For example, the proposed bio-park learning center concept (e.g.,bird sanctuary, long term environmental monitoring, riverfront ecology, and the river water purification initiative) will not only generate numerous learning opportunities for students, it will also have a profound impact on the community. Likewise, our plan to establish an Innovation Lab for the development and dissemination of sustainable technologies (e.g., soil, water and plant testing;sustainable housing design; renewal energy) is another example.
Given the enormity of the climate change and its impact on Nepal and the surrounding Himalayan region (e.g., extreme weather events, melting glaciers), PNMF began to think beyond its national boundaries. The foundation reached out to several national and international scholars, university ViceChancellors, and local academic and civic leaders, and invited them to Bhairahawa for a workshop. OnJanuary 6th 2015, the concept of a transnational research hub idea of the Lumbini Center forSustainability (LCS) was conceived. At that workshop, PNMF committed itself to build an international guesthouse on its new campus premise.
Since the problems faced by the communities, especially in the developing world, are complex, the proposed platform urges scholars and policymakers to be open-minded about the multidisciplinary approach in their deliberations (e.g., geo-physical, socio-economic, environmental, humanities). Importantly, this platform places high priority on the use of good science and the evidence-based deliberations, analysis, and policy recommendations.
Obviously, these ideas and plans will require a lot of hard work and dedication. We are also fully aware that much work lies ahead of us. However, we are very confident in our vision given the level of support and the goodwill of our national and international scholar friends and their institutions. So, if we put our hearts and minds together, we can make PNMF as one of the leading platforms in the region.
Thank you.
Mrs. Vijaya KC
Chairperson, PNMF