Hollis, Kaitlin and Griffin volunteering in PNMF
Eco artist Hollis and Kaitlin came to PNMF in February 2019. A DEMP volunteer Grifin was also in the team. During their one month stay in PNMF they developed the biological water filtration system, citizen science tool kit. They also developed the curriculum for citizen science experiment regarding enumeration of terrestrial surface insects, rainfall measurement using rain gauze, enumeration of terrestrial plants. Chelsea, (environment artist and photographer) joined the team who conducted the photography training to the eco-club students.
Visit of John and Kayla
Two of the volunteers (Jon Patterson, Kayla Hammond) visited PNMF in January 2019 for health training to the women of Siddharthanagar. The health education and awareness training was conducted in PNMF meeting hall for ten days. They presented on First Aid, immunity and vaccination, acute diseases, chronic diseases and women’s health.