Recent studies show that about 60% of the total population in Siddharthanagar have the tap water supply. Rest depend on underground water for the domestic use. Though most part of this region doesn’t have significant level of arsenic in drinking water there is arsenic poisoning in some part of the western Nepal. It is therefore important to monitor level of arsenic in drinking water. Similarly due to the urbanization and human activities the quality of water in water bodies in being degraded. This has direct impact in the aquatic life inhabiting that water body and also those people who depend on this water for several purposes. Hence water quality assessment is to be done in water bodies. Danda River is the shelter for a large number of aquatic flora and fauna. Also some farmers along its periphery use the water for irrigation and feed the animals.
Current Condition or Trend
Recent study conducted by the PNMF in collaboration With NSC and UNM shows that water quality in Danda River is poor. As per the water quality index, the water quality is god if its value ranges from 0 to 100. But the value that we found is more than 400. Which indicates the quality of water is poor and harmful to the living beings. Level of nitrate, phosphate, heavy metals is found higher than the normal ranges. The level of dissolved oxygen is less than the standard value. There is presence of E. coli which is the indicator of human stool contamination. The quality of water is worse in channels compared to river. It might be because channels have easy access to animals and human compared to river water.
How Does DEMP Address This?
By using the concept of citizen science PNMF in collaboration with UNM working on water quality monitoring since December 2018. Our data shows that the river is severely affected by pollution. Therefore it is really important to take certain steps in minimizing water pollution in order to save the biodiversity of danda riparian zone.
[gview file=”https://coral-cliff.com/pnmf/wp-content/uploads/Water-Graph.docx”]